
Anooooooother flower! It’s my 5th one. Yay me! =) My rubber-flower-from-under-the-slippers collection is growing.

I heard that people like to collect different things. Some peeps like to collect baseball cards (I think it’s some kind of fun sport), some people like to collect coins from different countries or eras, or both =) Also my parents taught me that some people like to collect flowers, like me. The only difference is that the flowers are not rubber ones, but real dried ones. People dry them flat and make pretty arrangements from them 🙂 It’s all very interesting, isn’t it? What do you like to collect, my friends? Anything fascinating?

Personally, I also simply LOVE to collect veggies…. in my tummy! Does that count? =)

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Bunnies in School

Good morning, sweet people!

Have you ever wondered what kind of classes bunnies would be taking if they were in school? I have! I think there would be a basket-weaving class, where bunnies learn how to make pretty baskets for Easter 🙂 Also maybe bunnies would take gardening classes to properly plant their veggies and flowers star

There also could be art classes where bunnies dip their paws in some colours and paint on a canvas like that =) I’d be into those classes for sure! Of course, no school is complete without a math class. 1 carrot + 2 spinach leaves + 3 celery sticks = Daisy’s veggie salad! 🙂 Speaking of food, time for a snack!

*stuffs her face in the food dish, munching away*

Possibilities for bunny school are endless… photography for bunnies, history of the bunnies origins, cute costume making and bunny band… oh, yes =) I think that if there was such thing as a school for bunnies, it would be tons of fun and excitement!

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I ♥ Carrots

I have a new outfit! How cute, right? Well, to double the cuteness factor–> it says “I ♥ Carrots” on it 🙂 Mommy made me that shirt with writing on it. At first, I wasn’t a big fan of it, but then I adjusted. What can I say, I do love carrots Hmmm… I wonder if mommy will make me outfits for all my favourite veggies and fruits? I can already see them coming.. “I ♥ cilantro” or “I ♥ parsley” or what about “I ♥ veggies, and lots of them, please :)” Hehe, I can’t wait to see my other outfits =)

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Artistic Bunny

Hi there!

I found another flower from mom’s slippers 😀 it’s #4 now and I’m happy about it. Slipper flower power love for all!

*hops in happy binkies around the house*

As many of you guys know, I love to draw and paint. But I don’t think that I ever mentioned where I get my artistic skills from. It’s from my mom 🙂 She’s an artist and loves to draw and paint occasionally. Dad says that we should open a gallery for mom’s work but mommy is shy. She says “Maybe one day” (Personally, I can bet on carrots that it will happen) Anyways, she painted my portrait for one of her projects. Take a look, peeps. I think it looks like me, what do you think?

I like it =) Thanks, mom!

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Mommy’s Birthday =)

Today was a very special day. It was my mom’s 24th birthday =) I love my mama bunny, she’s the best! She takes such a good care of me, plays with me, pets me and feeds me the best bunny foods possible. I feel so loved, and I sure hope she does too!

In the morning dad decorated the place with balloons and streamers and when mommy saw it she liked it very much 🙂 When she opened her gifts from dad, she was so happy. One of the gifts was a brand new digital camera! She immediately put it to use (guess who was the subject of her photography testing =) and loved it very much. Good work, dad! Good thing you consulted me on that, though you always seem to get mommy the gifts she loves anyway.

*scratches her left ear with a paw*

Where was I? Oh, yesh, then daddy took her out for brunch at this Milestones restaurant overlooking the beach. They had a great time. And in the evening some of mom’s closest friends came over for a cake and chocolate fondue 🙂 Very Important Note: Birthday cake was a very smart choice that mommy and daddy made because it was a Carrot Cake The ladies giggled and laughed all night long and didn’t notice how time flew by ever so quickly. At the end of the night, all of the guests wanted to play with me, I felt like I was the star of the evening for a bit. I don’t think mommy minded.

I’m glad everyone had a good time, especially mommy. I love her so much–> I would give her all of my carrots & parsley stash

***H A P P Y  B I R T H D A Y,  M O M M Y!***

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