Things I’m Grateful for ♥

Hello, friends star

I’ve been thinking lately how lucky I am. I have loving parents, lots of fun and caring friends all over the world, my own Diary blog, my very own app “Dress the Bunny“, my YouTube channel, my Facebook Fan Page and even my own Twitter account. I get lots of fresh veggies and fruits, I get to dig and play with my toys regularly and I get plenty of snuggles and kisses daily 🙂
So here is a little list of Gratitude that I made.

*clears throat and reads aloud*

1. carrots ♥
2. hugs from mommy ♥
3. soft CareFRESH bedding ♥
4. digging ♥
6. thoughtful friends ♥
7. my toys ♥
8. postcards & letters from friends ♥
9. hay ♥
10. litter box ♥

11. fresh basil & mint leaves ♥
12. the sofa ♥
13. fresh water ♥
14. new blanket from my friend Jumper ♥
15. cute outfits mommy makes for me ♥
16. tossing toys in the air ♥
17. snuggles from daddy ♥
18. clean cage ♥
19. dried homemade treats from grandma ♥
20. LOVE ♥

And these are just 20 things I’m thankful for.. There are many more, of course 🙂

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Daisy wins 1st place again!

*sleeps with her eyes closed, smiling in her dreams*

Zzzzzz Zzzz

*wakes up suddenly*

BOO DAT?!?!?

Oh, hello there. I didn’t notice you here, guys! I was having the nicest dream about winning a 1st place in a photo contest 🙂 And you know what made my dream even sweeter? The fact that I DID win 1st place (again) in a Black & White photo contest in Pet Parade group =) Look!

I’m sooo happy I won. I feel so pretty and loved, it makes my little bunny heart glow with joy 🙂

*binkies twice ever-so-excitedly*

Thank you everyone for your incredible support! I’m very grateful.

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