Oh, hello

Good day, sweet friends
I’ve been a busy bunny lately… digging my littler box, stuffing my face with greens and hay, begging for treats, flopping in the sunshine, and of course, shipping orders from my Etsy shop.

I nudged my hooman that the shop is looking rather empty-ish these days, thanks to all my lovely customers. So now we’re working hard on refilling it as soon as possible. These lovely notebooks came in yesterday, so I helped mom choose which washi tape to put on them. Next she needs to illustrate cute bunnies on the covers, all modeled after yours truly 🙂

So that’s what is happening on my side of the world. What about you? Anything exciting? Hope everyone will have a Bunderful weekend! Stay pawsome, peeps

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Hello, 2013 ♥

*waves paw rapidly*
Hello there, folks and Hoppy New Year!
Hard to believe but it’s already the 2nd week of 2013. Time is sure flying by fast.
I’m super excited about this particular year, friends. My hoomans and I have lots of great ideas, plans and things in the works for both my Etsy shop, my blog, my iPhone apps and a few other things I can’t tell you about just yet. Oh, I can feel it in my thumpers, 2013 will be our best year yet 🙂
So stay tuned for some Pawsome excitement ahead!

P.S. My hoomans called this a “Bunny Pile” and flopped on me. They’re so silly, sometimes I wonder if we’re related at all : P Just kidding, I ♥ my parents.
P.P.S. No bunny or hooman was hurt in this flop 🙂

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