Good morning, sweet people!

Have you ever wondered what kind of classes bunnies would be taking if they were in school? I have! I think there would be a basket-weaving class, where bunnies learn how to make pretty baskets for Easter ๐Ÿ™‚ Also maybe bunnies would take gardening classes to properly plant their veggies and flowers star

There also could be art classes where bunnies dip their paws in some colours and paint on a canvas like that =) I’d be into those classes for sure! Of course, no school is complete without a math class. 1 carrot + 2 spinach leaves + 3 celery sticks = Daisy’s veggie salad! ๐Ÿ™‚ Speaking of food, time for a snack!

*stuffs her face in the food dish, munching away*

Possibilities for bunny school are endless… photography for bunnies, history of the bunnies origins, cute costume making and bunny band… oh, yes =) I think that if there was such thing as a school for bunnies, it would be tons of fun and excitement!