Hello, 2013 ♥

*waves paw rapidly*
Hello there, folks and Hoppy New Year!
Hard to believe but it’s already the 2nd week of 2013. Time is sure flying by fast.
I’m super excited about this particular year, friends. My hoomans and I have lots of great ideas, plans and things in the works for both my Etsy shop, my blog, my iPhone apps and a few other things I can’t tell you about just yet. Oh, I can feel it in my thumpers, 2013 will be our best year yet 🙂
So stay tuned for some Pawsome excitement ahead!

P.S. My hoomans called this a “Bunny Pile” and flopped on me. They’re so silly, sometimes I wonder if we’re related at all : P Just kidding, I ♥ my parents.
P.P.S. No bunny or hooman was hurt in this flop 🙂

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Thank YOU

Hoppy 12/12/12 !
It’s the last repetitive date we’ll ever see, folks. Yup, that’s what I’ve been told by my hoomans. So let’s enjoy it! And maybe we could even list the 12 things we’re grateful for? List 12 things of gratitude on 12th day of the 12th month of the 2012th year. 🙂
One thing I can list right now that I’m grateful for is YOU guys. Thank you for all your wonderful support, comments, purchases, custom orders and kind words about my new Etsy shop that opened last Monday. It has been a huge success and I couldn’t have done it without you. So from the bottom of my floofy heart- Thank You, Friends. I love you all to the moon and back. Now let’s enjoy this Festive Season!

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♥ Bunny Diary on Etsy!

Hello, dear friends!
I have some exciting news for you. Something has been in the works for quite awhile now and it’s finally happening! My hoomans and I are opening our very own ‘Bunny Diary’ shop on Etsy. ‘Bunny Diary‘ is a shop for all-things-bunny, filled with stationery, art, pretty notebooks, cards, felt toys and accessories, and much more. All items are handcrafted with love♥ and attention to detail and inspired by yours truly. *smiles and stands proud* I sure make a cute model bunny 🙂 My mom is currently participating in the local Holiday Craft Fair this weekend, so all the items are being used for that. We will list them in our shop very shortly so please stay tuned. You can follow me on my Facebook page or my Twitter for more details.


This is Day 1 of the Holiday Craft Fair. Lots of notebooks and cards sold, as well as some art and a mug. Those customers have great taste!

Here I was checking out the merchandise the day before the show. I have to make sure it’s all bun approved 🙂



Well, that was a sneak peek of what you can expect to see in my shop. Stay tuned for the Grand Opening of ‘Bunny Diary’ on Etsy! house

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BatBunny is here.

Hi, there!
How are you all doing? How was everybunny’s Halloween?
My parents and I dressed up for our 2nd annual family Halloween costume party. We pick a theme and match our costumes. This year we were inspired by the amazing motion picture “Dark Knight Rises” and this is what we’ve got:
Warning: Hold on to your trousers because this fierce cuteness might just blow you away 🙂



And the family photo:

What do you think? Would we make a good cast for “Dark Knight Rises”? 🙂

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birthday bash

hi, there!
As many of you know I celebrated my 3rd birthday last month on September 12th 🙂 It was a lot of fun. Mom decorated the couch with banners, pin wheels, celebratory Pooh Bear and his friends, as well as my tutu. I got a huge bowl of my favourite greens for breakfast, napped, groomed to be super pretty, then got all excited for the Big Day. Here is how my birthday went, in a nutshell.

This year I decided to do something different when it came to presents. I wanted to help other, less fortunate bunnies waiting in shelters for their forever homes, so I urged my friends on Facebook and Twitter to opt out of sending me gifts and to purchase one or both of my apps instead. By doing so, they helped me make a (maybe small to some but still much needed) donation as a portion of the apps sales went to the local Rabbit Rescue. You can read about all about the rescue here ♥ Today my mom is going to drop off a cheque and visit some of the bunnies. Maybe she’ll bring back a sibling or two (or five) for me 😛
Some of my friends still decided to send me some birthday gifts. There were cards, treats, toys and bunny-related goodies. Thank you, mrs. Karen from U.K., Trish and Angel Bun from U.S.A., auntie Janet from Germany, my boyfriend Boris from U.S.A., my friends Stewie from U.S.A. and Lily & Jack from U.K., auntie Frossula from U.S.A., mrs. Staci from Germany, Graham bunnies from U.S.A., oh, and my hoomans. All this wouldn’t happen without you guys. Endless Gratitude to you all, and hundreds more on the social networks who made my birthday special ♥♥♥

If you still would like to help the homeless bunnies you can purchase my apps  “Bun Thoughts” app and/or “Dress The Bunny” app and my hoomans and I will donate a portion of the sales next time they visit a shelter. Thank you kindly for considering it ♥



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