Dinner Time!

Hi there!

Who loves to eat? I do! I’m sure lots of you love to eat too. Does anyone out there like to eat with others? Even though I’m munching on something yummy throughout the day, when I notice my mom or dad having a meal, I join right in!

Well, I’m not eating human food, but I start eating my carrots, greens or other scrumptious stuff. So it’s a family meal that way, all of us munching and munching. Here are some of the examples of my foods ๐Ÿ™‚

*nom nom nommm*

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Beating the heat, and a Dress The Bunny update

*waves paw slightly*

Woah peeps, it’s hot out. Summer is really here! I’m just flopping around all day, because it is sooo hot.

My mommy gave me a cold wet towel for me to lay on to cool down, but I couldn’t help playing with it by throwing it around my house. She wants me to lay on top of it, but I think that is pretty silly ๐Ÿ™‚

Oh yes! I just remembered, a free version of my app, Dress The Bunny has been sent to these Apple peeps for something called ‘approval’. I think that means that soon it will be on this ‘App Store’ thing… and it is going to be free! I’m not sure what all that stuff means, I’ve never chewed an ‘app’ before, only an APPle, if it’s anything like apples, then it’s gooooood =)

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Dress The Bunny in the App Store!

Hey EveryBunny! I have some great news! ๐Ÿ™‚

My very own App is now in the iTunes App Store! It’s called: Dress The Bunny, and it features me, Daisy ๐Ÿ™‚ You can add accessories and other fun stuff to the cutest photos of me!

Dress The Bunny iTunes Image

There are updates planned for my cute little app so stay tuned for even more photos of me, and more accessories and fun stuff! Whoa, I know, that’s a lot of cuteness ๐Ÿ™‚

*hops happily around her cage*

Also, you can submit your creations to me, and I will feature the best creation of the week in my blog! All creations will be added to a “Dress The Bunny Fan Creations” page, which will also be on my blog! How exciting!

So if you do have an iPhone, iPod or iPad, and happen to get my lovely app, would you please leave a review for it? That would be great ๐Ÿ˜€

I will be giving away some promotion codes for the app, so keep checking for updates =)

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Mr. Pig

Hi guys star

How are you all doing? =) I’ve missed you guys.

Have I told you about my friend Mr. Pig? He is a stuffed piggy toy with a tummy made from a special material– to wipe TV & computer screens.ร‚ย  Mom says he’s too special to be used as a “wiping cloth” and so she gave him to me to be my friend. Sometimes he sits on top of my cage home, like a watch dog… er, I mean watch piggy ๐Ÿ™‚ Lately he found a comfy spot in one of mom’s wall pockets for her art & stationery supplies. He’s funny that way. I also let him wear my “I รขโ„ขยฅ carrots” t-shirt when I’m not wearing it. It looks good on him. Check it out for yourselves, guys!

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My first dancing video!

Hello there, beautiful people!

How are you all doing today? I hope everyone is well and happy, and maybe even hoppy. Speaking of hoppy, I have my very first dancing video. Here my auntie Michelle is helping me to get my groove on. See for yourselves:

Tee hee, that was fun! And no worries, no bunny was hurt in this crazy dancing routine ๐Ÿ™‚

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