Hello there, lovely people 
Oh, how I missed you all, my friends.
I am happy to let you know that now I am back and will be blogging very often 🙂 Many of you were wondering why there wasn’t any new posts from me and whether I will return. Not to worry, peeps, Daisy is back! My parents were focusing on mom’s website for a little while so my blog took some time off. Now that mom’s Scrapbooking Business website has been launched I can be back doing what I do best (aside from chewing and napping)–blogging in my Bunny Diary =)
In a meanwhile, I grew a little bit, though I’m still a small bunny because of my breed–Netherland Dwarf. I can run faster and hop higher now too. I’ll upload some videos of that soon 🙂 I’ve also gained so many more friends on Facebook–close to 1,500 now. Can you guys believe it? That’s sweeter than carrots and apples put together!
Speaking of carrots, I still love them the most, followed by parsley, cilantro, apples and occasional spinach and basil. Mmm.. thoughts of such yummy goodness made me hungry.
*Hops over to the dish with food, starts chewing on veggies ever so cutely & loud*
I think this is all for now. I’m looking forward to writing about different things. Some of my fans and friends suggested topics like “Cats”, “What I like to read and watch”, “What things I destroy around the house”, “Whether I like classical music or not” and many more. I really appreciate the suggestions, guys!