My New Friends!

Hi there!

I am the luckiest bunny there is. You know why, guys? Because I have so many friends!

Mommy and Daddy signed me up for a Facebook account, as well as a Fan Page. At first I asked a few people to be my friend and they accepted. Now people are adding me! How cool is that? πŸ˜€

*happily hops around the cage*

And what’s even cooler is that some of them really want to get to know me. They talk to me, comment on my photos, and keep up with my blog =) Some of my closest friends are Janice (from Maryland, U.S.A.), Savannah (from Alberta, Canada), Jessica (from Florida, U.S.A.), Sahar (from Iran), bunny Zeus (from United Kingdom) and bunny Ristomatti (from Finland). They are so nice and sweet, and I feel so loved. Of course I can’t mention everyone at once, there are many more of the sweet and caring peeps out there, but that’s for another blog entry!

I’m so thankful for my international friends πŸ™‚

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Another day, another chew, another drawing

Hello fellow fans of chewing! I have been drawing again πŸ™‚ This time, the theme is my parents <3

A drawing of hearts with Mommy + Daddy in the middle :)

My mommy and daddy are very much in love. Sometimes when I take a break from exploring, eating or chewing, I look up and they dancing together. I love spending time with each of them, but when they are together – well, my drawing explains what that is like.

I heard them both say they think their love is magical. I wonder if it is magic like how I never run out of water or food? There is always more to drink and eat! Yum, yum πŸ˜€

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Merry Christmas, Everybunny!

*stretches, realizing mid-stretch that there is an audience*

Oh, hello there

Merry Christmas, guys! Hope everybunny had a great and yummy Christmas! πŸ™‚

So after the big family dinner yesterday, mom and dad had their own Christmas celebration. It was their first married Christmas together Aww, how cute =) We ALL wore Christmas hats (yes, even me. Greatest photo ever taken) and opened our presents. Sweet Carrots Gracious, do I ever LOVE presents?

I got a mini carrot to take photos with, for the cuteness effect (pictures to follow). On the more chewable side of things I got Timothy Hay from the pet store (new treat =), some cool chew toys to clean my teeth with and some more yummy food! (a whole 5lbs of it!) Oh, oh, and some fresh veggies, of course.

*sniffs around for something, finds corn-like chew toy and goes at it*

I really like Christmas. I think it should visit more often

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Birthday Wishes

*Sniff sniff*

It’s here!! Dad’s birthday is here!

[  H A P P Y 25 TH  B I R T H D A Y  D A D !  ]

I made this mini-poster for him. I sure hope that he likes it. Mommy got up early today, decorated the living room with balloons, streamers and birthday hats on the stuffed animals πŸ™‚ She baked Dad’s favourite cinnamon swirl pudding and put birthday candles in it. When Dad woke up and saw all the decorations, gifts and birthday pudding-cake he was very thankful =) He said that he felt really special and it was the best birthday for him (Mommy and I say “yet!” to that =))

When Daddy opened his birthday gifts, he was in awe. Mommy got him tickets to the planetarium AND dedicated a Star to him. He was happy beyond any words. If that was me, I’d say “Carrots and spinach gracious!” But that’s just me πŸ™‚


*Side Note: my cage home was also decorated! It had the birthday balloon stuck on the side and a birthday hat on the top. Oh, yesh, Mommy and I went all out for Daddy because we love him


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Sweet December

How is everyone doing today?

We are half-way through December and I am ever so excited for this month! Mommy says it’s a very special kind of month. There is something called Christmas, where the Big happy guy named Santa Claus visits on Christmas Eve and gives presents to the children (and bunnies) that were good throughout the year =) People leave cookies and milk for him and his reindeer.  At least that’s what I heard, this is my first Christmas.

In fact, I am supposed to be my mom’s Christmas present from dad. He loves her so much– he gave her the bunny of her dreams How Sweet!

*thinks of something else that can be sweet and decides to chew on some carrots*

Also it’s dad’s birthday this month! He’ll be 25 years old! I’m not sure how many bunny years it equals to, but it sounds like a very nice age πŸ˜€

I’m so excited! I like December =)

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