Dinner Time!

Hi there!

Who loves to eat? I do! I’m sure lots of you love to eat too. Does anyone out there like to eat with others? Even though I’m munching on something yummy throughout the day, when I notice my mom or dad having a meal, I join right in!

Well, I’m not eating human food, but I start eating my carrots, greens or other scrumptious stuff. So it’s a family meal that way, all of us munching and munching. Here are some of the examples of my foods 🙂

*nom nom nommm*

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Chew-mania :)

I’m a bunny that just loves to chew. To me, everything is chewable. At least it was, until I learned that some things like people’s fingers are not for chewing. Sometimes I chew because I am hungry, sometimes I chew because it is fun, and sometimes I chew to learn. Here is a video of me chewing for fun:

* munch munch *

Oh hi there! I thought you were still watching the video, so I decided to chew while I waited. Did you like the video? I sure liked chomping that box into little pieces 😀

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Another day, another chew, another drawing

Hello fellow fans of chewing! I have been drawing again 🙂 This time, the theme is my parents <3

A drawing of hearts with Mommy + Daddy in the middle :)

My mommy and daddy are very much in love. Sometimes when I take a break from exploring, eating or chewing, I look up and they dancing together. I love spending time with each of them, but when they are together – well, my drawing explains what that is like.

I heard them both say they think their love is magical. I wonder if it is magic like how I never run out of water or food? There is always more to drink and eat! Yum, yum 😀

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Merry Christmas, Everybunny!

*stretches, realizing mid-stretch that there is an audience*

Oh, hello there

Merry Christmas, guys! Hope everybunny had a great and yummy Christmas! 🙂

So after the big family dinner yesterday, mom and dad had their own Christmas celebration. It was their first married Christmas together Aww, how cute =) We ALL wore Christmas hats (yes, even me. Greatest photo ever taken) and opened our presents. Sweet Carrots Gracious, do I ever LOVE presents?

I got a mini carrot to take photos with, for the cuteness effect (pictures to follow). On the more chewable side of things I got Timothy Hay from the pet store (new treat =), some cool chew toys to clean my teeth with and some more yummy food! (a whole 5lbs of it!) Oh, oh, and some fresh veggies, of course.

*sniffs around for something, finds corn-like chew toy and goes at it*

I really like Christmas. I think it should visit more often

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