my June at glance

*waves tiny paw*
Alo, my friends!
Today marks exactly the beginning of the second half of 2013. Can you believe it? 26 out of 52 weeks of the year have already passed. Un-bun-lievable.
Here is a summary of how my June was. Lots of snuggling and up-close photos of my mouth. There should be a cuteness fee for taking those photos. Yup, I think that’s a great idea.
I hope you are satisfied with the first half of this year. If not, there is always a chance to start fresh, it’s called Tomorrow.
*giggles a little*
I’m feeling quite philosophical today. Hope you don’t mind.
Love and snuggles, always.xo
-Daisy pawPrint

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half way there :)

alo alo
Happy July, my sweet people! Did you know that as of yesterday we are exactly half way through 2012? That’s something to ponder upon. How are those New Year’s Resolutions coming along? Mine are all up to speed, I think. Let’s see: Eat more greens – check, take long naps – check, play lots – check, be cuddly & sweet to my hoomans – working on that 🙂
Anyways, here’s a recap of my June. There were lots of cuddles, stretches, naps, toys, flops and poops. All equally important. *stands tall & proud*

What days do you like the most? Mom likes the yawn captured on June 7th, booty stretch on the 22nd and kisses on the 27th.  Of course, she would 🙂

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Hello, friends!

Hello, my dear friends.

First and foremost, I would like to thank you all for being patient with my secretary, a.k.a. mom, for the lack of posts here (big time!) and for still visiting my blog. My little heart is forever grateful for your dedication and love. As for my human, she will try and figure out how to keep up with my blog better 🙂

I asked on my Facebook page what you guys would like to see more of on my blog and the replies were “Photos, photos, photos”.  So I’ll be sure to include lots of photos in my future posts for you all.

For now, here is a month in a life of a bunny, a.k.a. ME 😀 I hope you like my month of May as much I did. There was lots of napping, playing with my toys, cuddling with mommy, and yummy foods. Oh, and don’t miss my best ‘yawn & stretch’ photo (yet) on the 23rd.

Thank you all, again, for stopping by!

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